Specifically designed for stem cells processing and storage
Adopted Most Advanced Technology to Secure Valuable Stem Cells
HealthBaby is the ONLY private cord blood bank adopts BioArchive® system in Hong Kong
Adopted Most Advanced Storage and Processing Technology to Secure Valuable Stem Cells
Cell viability is the key factors of successful rate of transplants, higher viability of stem cells can increase the survival rate after transplant. Stem cells can be stored permanent theoretically, therefore, it’s essential to adopt state-of-the-art technology to secure the valuable stem cells.

BioArchive®Liquid Nitrogen Storage System
By using a proven, computer-controlled technology and tracking software, the BioArchive provides the best protection for today’s high value cell samples that meet tomorrow’s stem cell therapy needs.
Adopted by 170 cord blood banks in 42 countries
Adopted by worldwide large blood banks and 90% cord blood banks in Europe, as well as New York Blood Centre which performed most transplants worldwide
Over 75% global cord blood transplant samples are provided by BioArchive®
Survi val rate is 10% higher than traditional tanks after transplant

Processing System
The AXP® System has been designed to provide high-quality stem cell concentration from cord blood. So when you are processing cord blood samples, using the AXP® System, you can be confident that you are isolating and saving the highest concentration of stem cell rich buffy coat while retaining their viability.
Safe, sterile and automated cord blood processing system.
Advanced technology wi t h new cord blood processing protocols without using hydroxyethyl starch (HES).
Viable CD34+ stem cell recovery is more than 97%, higher than other available processing systems.
Despi te having nearl y the same total nucleated cells (TNCs), AXP-processed cord blood units contain more mononuclear cells (MNCs) than conventionally processed units.

Liquid Nitrogen and Sealed Freezing Bag
Storage media is also one of the important factors that influence stem cells activity, irrespective of the expensive costs incurred, HealthBaby persists to use liquid nitrogen as the storage medium to safeguard every child and family’s lifelong health.
Only liquid nitrogen can keep stable -196˚C. Cord blood stem cells will suspend all physiological activities and remain dormant(
Almost all public cord blood banks, including worldwide large blood banks, use liquid nitrogen for stem cells storage
FDA cleared and specially designed for cord blood storage and instant transplant
3D design and even thickness, assures stem cells are cooled evenly in controlled rate freezer to maintain the viability
More Questions?
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Hotline: (+852)3188-8899 / (+853)2878-6717
WhatsApp: (+852)9660-8271 or Click Here
WeChat: HealthBaby 生寶臍帶血庫
Online: Click here to submit the enquiry online
Email: enquiry@healthbaby.hk